Effective treatment for Lyme disease is a topic for lengthy debate, and one of the most troubling aspects of the disease. Because of the unlimited mutations of the bacteria, and frequent co-infection, a treatment that works for some will not work for others.
Add to that fact the length of time infected, level of stress, dietary factors, chemical/metal toxicity, pre-existing physical fitness and condition of immune system, and you have a truly difficult disease to treat.
Conventional Treatment:
Antibiotics are the conventional treatment for Lyme disease, and if caught early, a four week course should completely eradicate it.
For chronic cases, antibiotics are still the first and best choice.
Dr. Joseph Burrascano states in his updated treatment guide.
“No single treatment or medication will result in full recovery of the more ill patient. Only by addressing all of these issues and engineering treatments and solutions for all of them will we be able to restore full health to our patients.Likewise, a patient will not recover unless they are completely compliant with every single aspect of the treatment plan.”
ILADS published treatment guidelines in 2014 using the combined expertise of top LLMDs: Read it here.
Alternative Treatment (When Antibiotics Fail):
There are many alternative treatments for treating chronic Lyme disease. The best of them encompass a combination of diet, exercise, emotional support, stress management, immune system support, lifestyle changes and anti-spirochetal and/or anti-bacterial agents.
See our Ebooks and Products for many of the successful protocols following, and other therapeutic products.